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Fight For the Lost Hall of Fame

Updated 22-Aug-20

Completionist Leaderboards
Title and banner to be unlocked

Complete all other achievements 

(Completing this achievement on hardcore grants officer status, and on insanity grants officer status and prestigious unlocked title)



Completionist Leaderboards
Master and Commander / Captain at war

Complete all trio challenges


Master and Commander (Hardcore)

04:43:30 - TheTechnoTurian

04:43:47 - ex-Clusum

04:43:47 - Smehur


Captain at War (Insanity)

05:32:33 - TheNightSlasher

05:39:55 - ex-Clusum

05:39:55 - Smehur

Auxilia Extraordinaria / Auxilia Palatina

Complete all trio challenges as a team


Auxilia Extraordinaria (Hardcore)

04:45:19 - ex-Clusum | Smehur | TheTechnoTurian


Auxilia Palatina (Insanity)

05:39:55 - ex-Clusum | Smehur | TheNightSlasher

Semper fidelis / Unus pro omnibus

Complete all duo challenges


Semper Fidelis (Hardcore)

04:19:17 - ex-Clusum

04:19:17 - TheTechnoTurian

04:24:53 - AW_FC_1986

04:24:53 - The_Doctor46N7

04:59:24 - Alfonsedode

05:00:15 - frank_is_crank


Unus pro omnibus (Insanity)

06:40:46 - The_Doctor46N7

06:45:59 - x3lander

07:46:54 - ex-Clusum

07:46:54 - Smehur

Alae Extraordinariae / Alae Audentiae

Complete all duo challenges as a team


Alae Extraordinariae (Hardcore)

04:19:17 - ex-Clusum | TheTechnoTurian

04:24:53 - AW_FC_1986 | The_Doctor46N7

05:00:15 - Alfonsedode | frank_is_crank


Alae Audentiae (Insanity)

06:45:59 - The_Doctor46N7 | x3lander

07:46:54 - ex-Clusum | Smehur

Shepard ad portas! / Ultimus Terranorum

Complete all solo challenges via the indoctrinated route


Shepard ad portas! (Hardcore)

05:39:29 - TheNightSlasher

06:25:10 - AW_FC_1986

07:36:12 - x3lander


Ultimus Terranorum (Insanity)


Starchild / Starbrat

Complete all solo challenges via the implanted route


Starchild (Hardcore)

08:29:59 - Alfonsedode


Starbrat (Insanity)


White Death / Icebreaker

Use cryo ammo in 3 solo challenges (pics of loadout or in-game-effect required)


White Death (Hardcore)

1. x3lander [1] [2] [3]


Icebreaker (Insanity)


Master of the Rearguard / Boy Scout

Score 3 Full Extraction medals against Reapers in solo challenges


Master of The Rearguard (Hardcore)

1. TheNightslasher [1] [2] [3]

2. AW_FC_1986 [1] [2] [3]

3. x3lander [1] [2] [3]


Boy Scout (Insanity)


Demolisher / Overachiever

Score 3 gold killstreak medals against Collectors in solo challenges


Demolisher (Hardcore)

1. x3lander [1] [2] [3]


Overachiever (Insanity)


Machinist / Tinkerer

Score 3 Silver (Hardcore) or Bronze (Insanity) Waves Survived medals against Geth in solo challenges


Machinist (Hardcore)

1. x3lander [1] [2] [3]


Tinkerer (Insanity)


Sharpshooter / Bullet Miser

Score 3 gold headshot medals against Cerberus in solo challenges


Sharpshooter (Hardcore)

1. AW_FC_1986 [1] [2] [3]

2. x3lander [1] [2] [3]


Bullet Miser (Insanity)


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