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Project Blackwatch

In light of recent military successes with Outlier and Veteran recruitment and tactical deployment across the Galaxy, there seems to be a reprieve in The Reapers’ attack. They are recalculating. They did not expect such a dedicated opposition and the ensuing casualties. Now is the time to attack. We must hit them when they are vulnerable. We will strike when they have no plan, when there forces are sprawled and reeling from our previous assaults. It is time to initiate Project Blackwatch.
“A team of exceptionally skilled Special Ops soldiers, Blackwatch is sent on missions that threaten the safety of Palaven itself. It was pulled from the homeworld by order of Primarch Adrien Victus, who wanted to mobilize this elite force in less hopeless situations across the galaxy. The majority of Blackwatch's operations are classified, although it's generally accepted that they have the highest success rate of any Turian unit in history. There are rumors that Saren Arterius was part of Blackwatch before becoming a Spectre, although--given his youth when he joined the Turian army--it seems highly unlikely.”
Note: Special thanks to everyone who has supported the Themed Solo and Themed Duo threads over the past year. This was going to just be a single solo bonus challenge to celebrate 50k views, but turned into an Anniversary Challenge Series.
Challenge Rules
Team/Trio/Duo Challenges:
- Mission successful required, with screenshot or vid
- Armored compartments not permitted
- Missiles only permitted on objective waves (and extraction)
- Hacking or “clever use of in-game mechanics” like pizza running, hack glitching, incendiary glitch not permitted
*Note: Missiles permitted on any wave for platinum duos.
Solo Challenges:
- Mission successful required, with screenshot or vid
- Armored Compartments only permitted on Insanity (Platinum)
- Missiles permitted on any wave
- Hacking or “clever use of in-game mechanics” like pizza running, hack glitching, incendiary glitch not permitted
Note: Completed challenges will still be added to the Hall of Fame (linked below), with an asterisk. If you are already in an award category, re-doing runs for quicker times will not get you an asterisk

Full Team Missions
l. Special-Op Reinforcements
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Condor vs Reapers
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 150 shotgun kills
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 150 shotgun kills
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Saboteur with N7-Crusader
- Turian Havoc with Claymore
- Turian Soldier with N7 Piranha
- Turian Cabal with M11-Wraith
II. Cyone’s Eternal Defense
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Reactor (Non-Hazard) vs Collectors
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 20 Headshot medal each
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 20 Headshot medal each
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Soldier with M99-Saber
- Turian Sentinel with M99-Saber
- Turian Soldier with N7-Valkyrie
- Turian Sentinel with N7-Valkyrie
lll. Infiltration is Imperative
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Hydra vs Cerberus
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 5 waves survived medal
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 3 waves survived medal
Characters & Weapons
- Drell Assassin Infiltrator with N7-Valiant
- Geth Infiltrator with Javelin
- Turian Soldier with M90-Indra
- Salarian Infiltrator with Black Widow

Trio Missions
l. Decibel
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase London vs Geth
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 100 Assault Rifle Kills
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 125 Assault Rifle Kills
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Soldier with M76-Revenant
- Turian Soldier with M99-Saber
- Turian Soldier with Adas Anti-synthetic Assault Rifle
ll. Silenced Banshees
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Goddess vs Reapers
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 100 biotic kills
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 100 biotic kills
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Sentinel with M77-Paladin
- Asari Adept (Not Justicar) with Acolyte
- Vanilla Human Adept with M358-Talon
lll. Anti-gravity
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Vancouver vs Cerberus
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 3 waves survived medal
- Insanity (Platinum): Mission Successful
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Saboteur with Arc Pistol
- Turian Havoc with Arc Pistol
- Turian Cabal with Arc Pistol

Duo Missions
l. Marksman Raid
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Glacier vs Geth
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 50 shotgun kills medal each
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 50 shotgun kills medal each
- Insanity (Platinum): Mission Successful
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Soldier with Raider shotgun
- Quarian Marksman with Raider Shotgun
ll. Just a Couple of Mercs
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Reactor vs Collectors
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 25 melee kill medal each
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 50 melee kill medal each
- Insanity (Platinum): Mission Successful
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Havoc with Venom Shotgun
- Talon Mercenary with M7-Lancer
lll. Legacy
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Rio vs Reapers
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 20 Headshots each
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 20 Headshots each
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 20 Headshots each
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Soldier (Garrus) with M90-Indra
- Vanilla Human Infiltrator (MacKenzie) with M90-Indra

Solo Missions
I. Blackwatch Original
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase White Hazard vs Geth
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 2 personal gold medals
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 3 personal gold medals
- Insanity (Platinum): Mission Successful
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Sentinel (Saren) with Arc Pistol
ll. Ghost
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Ghost Hazard vs Collectors
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 20 Headshots
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 20 headshots
- Insanity (Platinum): Earn 20 Headshots
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Ghost Infiltrator with M99-Saber
Note: PS3 users may use Non-Hazard Ghost.
lll. Mordus’ Calibrations
Conditions: Mission Successful on Firebase Jade vs Reapers
- Veteran (Silver): Earn 10 Waves Survived
- Hardcore (Gold): Earn 5 waves survived medal
- Insanity (Platinum): Mission Successful
Characters & Weapons
- Turian Saboteur with Venom Shotgun