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Survive the Gordian Hour Hall of Fame

Updated 26-Sep-20

Achievements & Leaderboards



02:34:04 - TheTechnoTurian

Gordian Paradox


02:34:04 - TheTechnoTurian (01:32:35 Hardcore + 01:01:29 Insanity)

02:37:40 - N7-Gerbil              (01:34:19 Hardcore + 01:03:21 Insanity)

02:41:36 - The_Doctor46N7  (01:36:40 Hardcore + 01:04:56 Insanity)

02:49:01 - Pfefferi                  (01:39:03 Hardcore + 01:09:58 Insanity)

02:50:10 - Areksto                 (01:39:42 Hardcore + 01:10:28 Insanity)

03:04:35 - bialakawa             (01:39:48 Hardcore + 01:24:47 Insanity)

03:08:48 - Alfonsedode         (01:39:47 Hardcore + 01:29:01 Insanity)

Gordian Anomaly


01:35:15 - TheTechnoTurian

Gordian Exception


01:32:35 - TheTechnoTurian

01:34:19 - N7-Gerbil

01:36:40 - The_Doctor46N7

01:37:49 - Dromedarry

01:39:03 - Pfefferi

01:39:48 - bialakawa

01:39:42 - Areksto

01:39:47 - Alfonsedode



01:01:29 - TheTechnoTurian

01:03:21 - N7-Gerbil

01:04:56 - The_Doctor46N7

01:09:58 - Pfefferi

01:10:28 - Areksto

01:24:47 - bialakawa

01:26:11 - AW_FC_1986

01:29:01 - Alfonsedode

01:32:50 - LightRobot

01:36:37 - Smehur

A Noble Gordian Death

01:40:54 - AW_FC_19865

02:39:58 - Emexxia5

02:42:29 - ClydeInTheShell5

03:16:41 - ernesto_bih5

Brave the Gordian Hour

Sorted by number of completed challenges, then by cumulative time

02:34:04 - TheTechnoTurian

02:37:40 - N7-Gerbil

02:41:36 - The_Doctor46N7

02:49:01 - Pfefferi

02:50:10 - Areksto

03:07:05 - AW_FC_1986

03:08:48 - Alfonsedode

03:04:35 - bialakawa

03:13:04 - ClydeInTheShell

01:37:49 - Dromedarry

02:23:55 - frank_is_crank

02:39:58 - Emexxia

03:16:41 - ernesto_bih

01:30:10 - DJ39H

01:45:28 - dafyddr

02:26:42 - HamleticTortoise

00:57:06 - TheNightSlasher

01:26:45 - mexximal

01:32:50 - LightRobot

01:36:37 - Smehur

00:53:58 - Bateman1980

00:18:12 - ex-Clusum

00:28:34 - Sonashii

Achievements & Leaderboards
The Gordian Hour - Hardcore
Hardcore Challenges
Stage I - Denial


18:29 - TheTechnoTurian (324958 pts) 10 WS [v]

18:29 - Pfefferi (320471 pts)

18:35 - N7-Gerbil (316 664 pts)

18:39 - Dromedarry (317609 pts)

19:01 - Areksto (244 057 pts)

19:35 - Alfonsedode (274213 pts)

19:42 - AW_FC_1989 (356421 pts) 10 WS

19:49 - The_Doctor46N7 (318 409 pts) 10 WS

20:32 - DJ39H (320 123 pts)

22:09 - bialakawa (306064 pts)

27:49 - dafyddr (315 708 pts)

28:58 - Emexxia (330 255pts)

33:12 - frank_is_crank (331369 pts) [v]

36:33 - ClydeInTheShell (328 230 pts) [v]

39:42 - ernesto_bih (279 188pts)

41:34 - HamleticTortoise (346 970pts) 10 WS


Stage 2 - Anger

17:02 - TheTechnoTurian (244 669 pts)_|_17:30 [v]  | (17:53) 10 WS

17:18 - TheNightSlasher (258 038 pts) 10 WS

17:32 - N7-Gerbil (229 715 pts)

17:33 - The_Doctor46N7 (253223 pts)

17:35 - Dromedarry (262392 pts)

18:13 - bialakawa (250590 pts)

18:38 - Areksto (248 685 pts)

19:02 - Pfefferi (241003 pts)

19:23 - AW_FC_1986 (254842 pts)

19:48 - Alfonsedode (260485 pts)

19:49 - DJ39H (256 901 pts)

20:05 - AW_FC_1986 (261 418 pts)

20:15 - dafyddr (299 521 pts)

28:02 - frank_is_crank (231978 pts) [v]

28:34 - Sonashii (274259 pts)

29:44 - ClydeInTheShell (276 063 pts) [v]

33:13 - Emexxia (265 604pts)

33:15 - HamleticTortoise (252 494pts)

35:30 - ernesto_bih (238 911pts)


Stage 3 - Bargaining

20:10 - Alfonsedode (298179 pts)

21:00 - The_Doctor46N7 (298 592 pts) [v]

21:02 - N7-Gerbil (317 985 pts) 10WS

21:05 - TheTechnoTurian (320503 pts) 10 WS [v]

21:22 - Areksto (301817 pts)

21:31 - Pfefferi (319581 pts) 10 WS

21:34 - Dromedarry (289764 pts)

22:13 - AW_FC_1986 (313 068 pts)

22:53 - bialakawa (326839 pts) 10 WS

25:05 - frank_is_crank (331142 pts) [v]

32:33 - ClydeInTheShell (308635 pts) [v]

38:02 - Emexxia (313 827pts)

38:07 - HamleticTortoise

40:40 - ernesto_bih (275 170pts)


Stage 4 - Depression

17:25 - N7-Gerbil (290 511pts) [v]

17:58 - TheTechnoTurian (287 406 pts) [v] 18:48 10 WS 

18:12 - ex-Clusum (307906 pts) 10 WS

18:22 - TheNightSlasher (315442 pts) 10 WS

18:38 - bialakawa (322460 pts) 10 WS

18:57 - Pfefferi (314895 pts)

19:17 - AW_FC_1986 (301723 pts)

19:21 - The_Doctor46N7 (278 640 pts)

19:25 - Areksto (288453 pts)

19:53 - Dromedarry (299184 pts)

20:07 - Alfonsedode (278026 pts)

20:10 - AW_FC_1986 (292 595 pts)

26:42 - frank_is_crank (296267 pts) [v]

26:43 - mexximal (327 228 pts)

27:25 - Emexxia (303 197pts)

30:54 - ClydeInTheShell (323766 pts) [v]

33:46 - HamleticTortoise (287 774pts)

38:18 - dafyddr (287 211 pts)

43:38 - ernesto_bih (292 060pts)


Stage 5 - Acceptance

17:55 - bialakawa (265301 pts) 10 WS

18:01 - TheTechnoTurian (241 139pts) [v] | (19:51) 10 WS

18:57 - The_Doctor46N7 (271340 pts) 10 WS [v]

19:06 - dafyddr (267 578 pts)

19:45 - N7-Gerbil (277 027 pts) 10 WS

20:07 - Alfonsedode (255251 pts)

20:08 - Dromedarry (263223 pts)

20:19 - AW_FC_1986 (264 994pts)

21:04 - Pfefferi (246952 pts)

21:16 - Areksto (315 724 pts)

32:20 - Emexxia (259 949pts)

32:45 - ClydeInTheShell (265267 pts) [v]

37:11 - ernesto_bih (243 558pts)

The Gordian Hour - Insanity
Insanity Challenges


Archive of those who have held the title "Lodestar", in chronological order.

(Current Lodestar title holder is listed above.)

I. The_Doctor46N7

ll. N7-Gerbil

lll. TheTechnoTurian

IV. N7-Gerbil

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