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N7 Officers

There are several ways to become an Honorary Officer in this group. Your spot can be earned! Check out the How to Become an N7 Officer page to see those different routes, and enjoy the challenge!
N7 Themed Challenge Group Officers
Prestacious (N7 Spectre MD) - Armax Ironman - Leader
Decidedly Divalent
AW_FC_1986 - Billy Goat
Platinum N7 Surivalist Outlier, Blackwatch and Kahje Outlier, Geth Master Race, Star of Terra, Heart of Omega, Determined Dyad, Indomitable Triune, Prodigious Battlemaster, Legend of Lore, Lone Star of Terra
muahmuah - The Doctor
Fmr. Lodestar, Platinum N7 Survivalist, Blackwatch and Kahje Outlier, Geth Master Race, Distinguished Dyad, Indomitable Triune, Prodigious Battlemaster, Legend of Lore, Heart of Omega
ex-Clusum - Turiell Undercover Spectre
Platinum N7 Survivalist, Blackwatch and Kahje Outlier, Legend of Lore, Distinguished Dyad, Definitively Divalent
TheNightSlasher - Soloing Scrubbington
Platinum N7 (Indoctrinated), Geth Master Race, Star of Terra, Determined Dyad
TheTechnoTurian - #1 Turian Fangirl MENA
Fmr. Lodestar, N7 Survivalist, Blackwatch Outlier, Battlemaster, Distinguished Dyad
x3lander - Praetor
Platinum N7 Outlier, Distinguished Dyad, Indomitable Triune, Star of Terra
capn233 - Tex
N7 Outlier, Star of Terra
N7-Gerbil (Tupari)
​ Fmr. Lodestar, N7
N7, Distinguished Dyad
N7, Determined Dyad, Definitively Divalent
N7, Definitively Divalent
Jewels Winnfield (Hendrix137)
​ N7
LordGanius (gnsmsk)
N7, Definitively Divalent
Decidedly Divalent
Definitively Divalent
N7, Triumphant Triune, Definitively Divalent
Triumphant Triune
Triumphant Triune
How to Become an N7 Officer
There are several routes to becoming an officer in the thread! If you are looking to challenge yourself in Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer and see if you're up to the task, give it a shot! Many people start with the N7 Challenge Series (No. 3 Route). If you have any questions, feel free to ask around in the forum or message myself for the details. Enjoy and welcome to the site! This is a great community!
1. Completion of all weekly challenges (original series), either Hardcore or Insanity difficulty, will grant you entry into the Completionist Leaderboard (excluding bonus challenges) and will elevate your group status to Officer (without a title). Completion of all Hardcore, Insanity and Bonus Challenges will grant you an Honorary title of your choosing.
2. Completion of the weekly challenge series 2 (excluding bonus levels) will elevate your group status to Officer (without a title). Completion of series 2 along with either Hardcore or Insanity weeklies Series 1 (excluding bonus challenges) from the original weekly series will grant an Honorary title of your choosing. Completion of all hardcore, Insanity and bonus challenges for both Weekly Series will grant the Honorary title of Battlemaster.
3. Completion of the N7 Series will elevate your status to officer with the N7 title. Completion of both the N7 series and the weekly challenges Series 1 (with at least 1 bonus challenge) will grant you an Honorary title of your choosing.
4.Completion of the Outlier Solo Series will grant officer status with the prestigious Outlier title.
5. Completion of all silver weekly challenges of series 1 (casual, veteran and bonus) will grant you officer status! Alternatively, completing silver weekly challenges of series 1 (casual or veteran, excluding bonuses) and either the N7 series or the weekly challenge series 2.0 will grant honorary officer status, without title, as well. To obtain the N7 title, all weekly challenges series 1 (casual, veteran and bonus) and the N7 challenge series must be completed or all weekly challenges from series 1 and 2 must be completed. (To earn a custom title however, you'll have to complete the gold solo challenges.)
6. An alternate route to a personalized title and officer status is to earn 5 titles as listed on the N7 officer Legend of Titles. The N7 series or weekly solos need not be included in the 5 to obtain officer status and the personalized title.
Legend of Titles
Lodestar: Hold both records for cumulative time (Hardcore and Insanity) on the "Survive the Gordian Hour" miniseries. The designation Fmr. is for those who have held the position but no longer currently.
N7: Completed N7 challenge series
N7 Survivalist: Completed the N7 Series while earning 10 waves survived on each solo
Platinum N7: Completed the N7 Series on Insanity (Platinum)
Outlier: Completed the Outlier solo series
Blackwatch Outlier: Completed all Challenges In the Blackwatch Series on Insanity
Kahje Outlier: Completed all Challenges in the Compact Series on Insanity
Geth Master Race: Completed all Challenges in the Servant of the People Series on Insanity.
Heart of Omega: Completed all challenges in the Omega on Fire Series on Insanity
Star of Terra: Completed all challenges in capn's Operation Alliance Troopers
Lone Star of Terra: Completed all challenges in capn's Operation Alliance Troopers on insanity.
Battlemaster: Complete all weekly solos from series 1 and series 2
Legend of Lore: Complete all original weekly solos (Series 1) on either Epic or Legendary.
Prodigious Battlemaster: Complete all weekly solos from Series 1 and Series 2 on Legendary.
Decidedly Divalent: Complete either Duo Series 1 or 2 (Gold)
Definitively Divalent: Completed Both Series 1 and 2 (Gold)
Determined Dyad: Complete either Duo Series 1 or 2 (Platinum)
Distinguished Dyad: Completed Both Series 1 and 2 (Platinum)
Triumphant Triune: Complete the Triune Trials on Hardcore
Tireless Triune: Complete the Triune Trials on Purist's Punishment
Indomitable Triune: Complete the Triune Trials on Insanity